8 dic 2009

Excercises about Light Pollution

1)Indicate whether the following statements are true or false, according to what the report says about light pollution.

A. Its not easy to pass legislation concerning this issue because nobody owns the sky

B. Bob Mizon says that now in the center of London it is hard to see any stars at all

C. Nick Schoon defines light pollution as unnecessary light created by industry
D. Bob Mizon believes that part of the problem of light pollution lies in man's selfishness and sense of importance

2)Place the following topics (A-D) in the order in which they are mentioned in the article.

A. Sky Glow ------------------------------------C
B. The Travelling Planetarium--------------D
C. Research undertaken by Cizano---------A
D. London in the 1950's-----------------------B

3)Bob Mizon uses the expression "night sky" a number of times. Below are some other common adjective/noun+noun collocations used in the report. Can you remember them?

A. Most starts cannot be seen with the naked eye.
B. A lot of environmental pollution is created by power stations
C Appreciating the night sky makes us aware of the immense scheme of things
D A lot of the world's contamination comes from fossil fuels
E. Nick Schoon belongs to a pressure group which campaings to protect the environment
F. The best night skies in Britain can be seen from rural areas.

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